The base of our sites are built in WordPress, it’s a tried-tested CMS system built for blogging but has developed into a powerful tool for creating dynamic websites. WordPress‘ market share is 40% of all websites. According to W3Techs, WordPress powers 40% of all the websites on the Internet, including those without a content management system (CMS) or with a custom-coded CMS. Or to put it another way, WordPress powers over one-third of the web!
If you’re starting off you may be tempted to use Square Space or Wix or one of 1000 website builders that are out there, but once you have bought in with these sites they are a mission to get out of and hard to build and develop upon.
WordPress does boast a massive development base and has plugins for almost anything you can think of that you would need on a site. And to top it all off you can always build in old-school Html CSS if needed.

Our premium hosting service includes daily backups, uptime monitoring, daily malware scanning, and server-side optimisation to ensure your website runs quickly and reliably – alongside monthly reports.
See our NEW Web Maintenance packages here
Included in our hosting package we can offer a basic email package or up to 1gb of mail storage.
We recommend using dedicated mail servers such as Microsoft 365 or Google workspace to allow ease of use and fast mail on the go. Both these packages offer additional Web storage and useful tools such as Word processing, Spreadsheets, and other useful tools for any business, with cloud storage.

In this day and age Cybercrime is becoming more of a nuisance, and a real threat to a lot of businesses.
See our NEW Web Maintenance packages here
All our websites that we host we take backups of, some websites we also take offline backups as part of an ongoing support package. This means in the worst-case scenario that a site has been breached with malware we can revert back to a working version. But to avoid the breach in the first place we apply SSL certificates on the site that not only gives a better layer of security but also helps boost domain authority and boost SEO.
We also include security plugins on your site for an added measure that will also inform us of any attacks and improvements that we can do.

Plugins and Themes
Aswell as Security Plugins, WordPress boasts a huge array of add-ons, most of them free, but some paid with added functionalities to your site, including e-commerce, performance boosters, shortcut tools, or bespoke features that you might need such as booking systems of dynamic content.
We also use a theme to help speed up the whole web building process, pulling in tried and tested techniques that are off-the-shelf solutions for speedy development time and lower cost to you.

Page builders
We use age builders to speed up the building process, this also allows for ease for you and your staff to make changes to the content or create, your own pages, Training can be provided.

Ecommerce may be a great way for you to take payments for any part of your business, not only online stores. We use the most common Woo Commerce for our WordPress sites among other plugins to help track and support the payment process.
Alongside Woocommerce we need payment Gateways to take the payments. There are many ways to take payments from a simple Paypal hook up or Stripe, to more complex systems utilizing Cryptocurrencies.

Websites aren’t static portfolios anymore, as well as bringing in dynamic content (content pulled in from other areas of your site) it’s great to add some movement to engage your users.
We can add in simple appearance animation with content coming in, or we can utilize the movement of scrolling down the page or the position of the mouse.
Some animations can be created in vector animation software and provide Lottie files on the site, this could be an animated logo or icon, or just a nice little bit of movement of some imagery to describe a topic.
The wordpress is build upon a PHP platform that allows us to create a database of content (MySQL) that we can back up easily on the site. It also allows us to go in and alter content and pre defined code.
We use CSS to style the wjhole site to your brand, so that all text and headers will match your brand when you are adding content.
HTML is the basis of all web browsers including emails, We are old school and can pop in any additional features that you need using html and Jquery.

Dream | Engage | Explore
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